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Increased whale sightings so shark nets removed early

An earlier than anticipated whale migration season has triggered the removal of all five nets on Australia's NSW North Coast and an early end to the second shark net trial. The second trial of shark nets has been underway for almost five months at Lighthouse Beach (Ballina), Sharpes Beach (Ballina), Shelly Beach (Ballina), Seven Mile Beach (Lennox Head) and Evans Head Beach.
Minister for Primary Industries, Niall Blair said his department had been monitoring the whale migration along the east coast and decided to end the trial earlier following the increase in whale sightings.
“The risk of a whale being caught in the nets is unfortunately too high and therefore it is important we remove the nets a month early,” Mr Blair said. “Our SMART drumlines will remain in the water over the winter months and they’ve proven to be very effective at catching target sharks.
“However, the weather is still warm and I know plenty of people are still enjoying our beaches each day. I encourage all beachgoers to check the signs, avoid dark turbid and murky waters and avoid swimming and surfing near schools of baitfish.”


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