Dolphin released after becoming stranded on Bruny Island in rough seas - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation):
"A dolphin has been successfully released back into the ocean off southern Tasmania after becoming stranded on a beach.
Wildlife experts suspect rough seas led to the striped dolphin becoming stranded at Cloudy Bay on Bruny Island on Tuesday.
Visitors from Queensland discovered the animal on the beach before contacting the state government's whale hotline and alerting wildlife officers.
Wildlife Biologist Kris Carlyon said the dolphin probably became lost in high seas.
"If it got into those waves close to the coast, it probably became quite disorientated and possibly couldn't quite navigate its way back out through the waves."
"The white water filled with sand ... probably [meant it] had a lot of difficulty," he said."
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"A dolphin has been successfully released back into the ocean off southern Tasmania after becoming stranded on a beach.
Wildlife experts suspect rough seas led to the striped dolphin becoming stranded at Cloudy Bay on Bruny Island on Tuesday.
Visitors from Queensland discovered the animal on the beach before contacting the state government's whale hotline and alerting wildlife officers.
Wildlife Biologist Kris Carlyon said the dolphin probably became lost in high seas.
"If it got into those waves close to the coast, it probably became quite disorientated and possibly couldn't quite navigate its way back out through the waves."
"The white water filled with sand ... probably [meant it] had a lot of difficulty," he said."
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