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A win for the SeaWorld Orcas

SeaWorld To Change Its Criticized Orca Show After Next Year : The Two-Way : NPR:
SeaWorld has been deluged by negative publicity over how its parks treat killer whales, or orcas. The 2013 documentary Blackfish — which delved into the death of marine-mammal trainer Dawn Brancheau — highlighted the alleged toll years of captivity can take on the animals.

The company's market value has plummeted since the documentary was shown on CNN. And some lawmakers began taking up the animal-rights activists' cause. Last year, California state lawmakers pushed legislation that would prohibit SeaWorld from using orcas in its shows. And this past Friday, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., introduced a bill in Congress that would "prohibit the breeding, the taking (wild capture), and the import or export of orcas for the purposes of public display."

On Monday during a webcast, SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby announced changes to the orca shows. Manby said the new show would be "informative" and take place in a more "natural" setting. Manby did not specify whether the changes would apply only to its San Diego park or if they would be extended to its two other parks, in Orlando and San Antonio.
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